While we’ve incorporated the innovations, technology and systems into our business, we remain proudly old-fashioned in the delivery of Customer Service and believe the relationships we build with our clients are critical to the long-term success of our business. We offer experience and knowledge of the local market. We believe effective communication is the key to delivering a high quality service in our industry, therefore, it is no surprise that we provide regular and ongoing communication to both our landlords and tenants. We also believe property management is about maximizing your property investment returns through frequent rent reviews, regular property inspections, maintenance management, and our local property market expertise. We aim to ensure that your property is maintained in the best condition while ensuring minimal vacancy periods.


As an experienced property investor, your focus is undoubtedly on driving the greatest returns from your investment in order to achieve your longer-term financial goals.  This guide has been created in conjunction with our most experienced team of property managers to help give you proven insights into how to maximise your returns and drive greater results from your property investment. We look at how to conduct a property investment performance review, tips on how to add value and increase your rental returns, how to retain good tenants, what to look for in a high performing property manager and loads more.

What to consider when reviewing your property investments performance
  • Are you charging market competitive rent? Look at similar properties online and talk to your property manager

  • Has the property’s value increased since your last review? Do you have any additional equity in the property that you could use for other investments?

  • Are you on the most competitive home loan rate? Can you get a better deal?

  • Are you on the right insurance policy, is the premium competitive, could you consolidate polices for better value?

  • Do you have ongoing issues with the property? Would it be better to off load the property and invest elsewhere?

  • Do you have the best investment team supporting you? Are they providing proactive service and advice you require?

  • Are you maximizing your taxable expenses? Organize to meet with your accountant to ensure your claiming all possible expenses

  • Do you need to make proactive repairs to your property? You or your property manager should inspect your property regularly so you can identify and address any potential maintenance issues

  • Does your rental yield align to your investment goals? If not, what changes can you make to help you achieve them?


One of the key benefits of investing in property is you have the ability to make changes, that if done correctly and without over capitalization, can help add rental appeal and long-term value to your asset. Here is a look at some changes that can impact your investment property’s rental appeal and its potential long-term value. Keep in mind if you are making bigger changes, talk to your local Tyme Real Estate Agent and find out what buyers are willing to pay more for in the area. Whilst you may not be looking to sell at the moment, planning ahead and having a property that will appeal to buyers down the track without over capitalizing, makes good investment sense.

For more information on property investment contact our office to get in touch with one of our experienced local team today.

Office Phone 3281 2325

Email - https://tymerealestate.com.au/contact